Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT. ‘Vous pouvez détruire tout ce qu'il vous plaira. Elle n'a qu'a ouvrir l'espace de ses bras. Pour tout reconstruire, pour tout reconstruire’ Alzheimer begins 20 years or more before the start of memory loss and other symptoms develop. The neurodegenerative disease of Alzheimer among woman and those courageous superman husband who takes care of his ill wife.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 97-98.DOI: 10.35629/7722-13109798 www.ijhssi.org 97 | Page.
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