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- ⠆⡐⠠⢂⡐⠄⢂⠰⢀List of Papers Published⡐⠢⠐⣀⠢⠐⡀⠆
- P1 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] The impact of COVID-19 on Mauritius : A case study on how the Pandemic Affected Education in Mauritius in 2020-21
- P2 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ]Academic Performance of Student in Physics subject at SC level during the past decade: Gender Perspective
- P3 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ]An overview of the importance of Ethics in Educational Research as per International standards
- P4 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Reliability and Internal Consistency of data: Significance of Calculating Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient in Educational Research
- P5 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Dimension Reduction, Factor Analysis, Scree Plot in Educational Research and Academic Performance
- P6 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Use of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological model as Pillars of Educational Research for hypothesis formulation
- P7 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] In Vivo Coding Qualitative Data Analysis methodology adapted, contextualized into 7 stages and applied to data from Interview, Focus Group and Case Study in School enterprises
- P8 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Innovative leadership as a barrier to perceived traditional Nepotism and discrimination (NCFD) in promotions and recruitments at higher management level: A Case study at Reduit and Ebene Mauritius
- P9 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] “An Original Pentagon Approach: QUAN (Dimension reduction), QUAL (Coding), Experts opinion & Researcher’s Contribution designating Leadership”
- P10 a) Full Thesis 15.07.2022. Ph.D. : Title : Factors Affecting Performance of Students at SC level (2014-2022)
- P10 b) Link to Proof of Fees Paid : 1 Million invested into my PhD 2014-2022 in the field of Education : Heavy Political interference
- P11 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] “Mediocre PhD supervision, intellectual property theft, Blackmail, & mockery: An overview of Positive leadership Qualities a supervisor must possess”
- P12 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Research Week MIE 2017
- P13 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] (Microbiology Field) : Moral obligation and to better serve the society: Bioethics and its significant importance in the field of Microbiology
- P14[International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] A critical review of the roles and responsibilities of Rectors in nurturing Social Justice Leadership in tackling Bullying and School based violence.
- P15 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Extraction and purification of Polyphenol Oxidase enzyme from tea leaves (Camellia sinensis): A case study of Characterization and inhibitor effect.
- P16 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Time management and planning in Teaching and Learning : Syllabus, scheme of work, weekly, Lesson Plan tallying
- P 17 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Kerr’s model of Curriculum design and Curriculum development in Education
- P 18 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Do you have the requisite competencies to assess so that you do not penalise the learner? 7 factors assessors need to address in assessment design and application
- P 19 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] In the US case Ingraham v. Wright (1977, Florida), the Supreme Court held that corporal punishment in school was not unconstitutional: A review of relevant existing laws in Mauritius to protect our children
- P 20 : [National Level] Recommendations and suggestions to improve the Extended Stream, for our children to the Minister of Education TE ST 11 05 23
- P 21 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Ethics, moral and the Fable Animal Farm: Pigs invent and change new laws and rules, with intention to corrupt, steal and harm
- P22 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Fried Chicken from a well-known fast food brand are tasty and crispy but their lack of hygiene is a threat to our health: Human feces on food brings the bacteria Salmonella and E.coli 0157:H7
- P 23 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Today the teacher, tomorrow their own employers, Juvenile delinquent filming teacher, sharing on social medias , making fun and when caught cheating in exams they get rage , kick, slap teacher , even try to poke out the teacher’s eye : The need for Discipline Masters in Schools against elephants
- P24 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Decades of Exile into the depth: A case study of the Stolen Kingdom of our Chagossian brothers and the Failure of the British Government to redress their mistake, prejudice and damage caused
- P25 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] According to Islamic Law and RIBA , interest is haram and unlawful. Arguments that interests of depositors and savings are not that Same RIBA of usury : from a Non-Muslim perspective thinking out of the box for the future of our children
- P26 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] A Critical paper of Caste System in Mauritius, Political backings, discrimination and favoritism in job & promotion; Nepotists claim that Vaish (वैश्य) caste are more qualified ‘Vaish pli kalifié ki toi ’ . Qualified in what? my personal opinion as a Babujee , Kshatriya ( क्षत्रिय , बाबूजी) and being apolitical
- P 27 : Recommendations and suggestions to improve the Extended Stream, for our children. Second letter
- P 30 : Suggestion and Recommendations , Lack of Kreol Morisien KM , Educators , Students Penalised unjustly 10 09 23
- P 32 : QAID Officers and Requisite for the Post of Deputy Rector and Rector 10 09 23
- P33 Leaving Certificate Validity , issued at school level, to Violent , Failed and Dangerous students at NATIONAL LEVEL, Potential Threats for the Society
- P 34 : School Internal issue students ABSENT on register and vagabonding on school premises but one of them threatens me’ HIS FAMILY is INTO POLICE. These types of students remind me of my brother Vikash
- P 47 : John Harvard their founder , who was a Priest, a Preaching Minister would be rolling in his Grave if he could see what his legacy is doing right now ; supporting Palestine , when Israeli children got butchered, raped and beheaded by Islamist Hamas. A Critical opinion
- P 54 The Advanced British Standard ABS another Excellent reform initiative of the Rishi Sunak Government, the best PM Uk has known.
- P 39 : SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS to the Ministry of Public Service and PRB : Civil Servants 'fonctionnaires' doing Politics
- P 49 : NGO pick up WASTEFOOD containing FOODBORNE pathogens and give to people to eat spreading bacteria Salmonella, E.Coli.bloody diarrhea etc
- P 72 End of Term Report , those who should repeat and request to meet parents at school 11th November 2023
- P 243 Suggestions and recommendations to the PRB for Realignment of Civil Servant Salary before next PRB ; PRB report is normally due for every 5 years, but the Minimum salary was increased outside of the PRB application. A readjustment in salary is requested and required for all grades. I am not against Basic salary but increasing Basic salary too often and too much like now can create problem on the labour market
- P 191 A Total Mockery of the LAW by Politicians once again interfering into my LEGAL WARS. From which University Maroon did they get their LLB ? pay and get LLB, bar from the EVIL WEST region ? Really an empty head like a sea Urchin. Supposedly in 20-24 , in a year ( 24 as the mad driver's matriculation number who went by infront of my door honking for no reasons) my CIVIL case will be time bound. FALSE since the case was ALREADY lodged some years ago at the Intermediate Court , I already deposed, namely telling infront of the hon Magistrate about the SERIOUS defamatory article about me, naming me, 'cagoule/recidiviste/ Pirate/ condemned' and I also mentioned of never graced and if Police said that I was condemned, I cannot ever trust the Police.16th January 2024
- P 272 Innapropriate comments from Creole GP community Radio presenter 'peh caress fonctionnaire dans le sens du poil', 'petit cadeau aux fonctionnaire' 830 am 13/01/24 on Hindu Religious ceremony. Same nature as my Civil case against La Sentinelle Ltd 16th January 2024
- P 166 Paris, Florida and Bambous, Samuel Paty/ Dominique Bernard. Comment in marksheet REMOVED unreservedly. Some staffs did not like what I had written; ‘ Violent and no manners'. Same student Krav Maga leg kick unprovoked and tackle
- P 257 To the Hon Minister of Education TE ST The Critical opinion on New Implemented Reforms. I did not see these steps Section 8 (a) to (q) so, to my honest opinion, there are no visible traces, no valid reliable evidence of any Public consultation, but rather an implemented Reform, (without criticizing the Reforms) done in ‘Catimini’, in secret, a piece-meal work
- P 258 To the Hon Minister of Education TE ST I ask MORE PROTECTION for Educators at work and ZERO TOLERANCE to attacks on educators. I personally consider myself on duty 24/7. Those who raise hand on Educators must feel ashamed, an educator is a like a father, a parent , a priest and those hitting , inciting to harm an educator are blacklisted on the labour market
- P 268 Mutual Aid Form. Ongoing Legal wars Criminal/Civil . The whole world knows my character, personality and I have nothing to hide. My hands are clean hands. I display my battle scar with pride.
- P 265 SBM-SICOM, and Samething Mauritius Telecom also.I do not really trust these people. I do not know what they say behind my back. I have a history with them, namely a COURT case, several mysterious IPs, namely from England and I WON my case.16th January 2024
- P 267 To the Medical council of Mauritius : Importance of CPD Continuing professional Development and deregistered Doctors 16th January 2024
- P 78 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] When worms come to attack from within while you are eating :An overview of Diphyllobothrium infections due ingestion of Seafood containing parasite eggs and infectious larvae of the genus Diphyllobothrium unseen to naked eyes and the impact of Parasites present in raw, uncooked Seafood , Sushi , and aquacultures regions such as tapeworm of the Diphyllobothriumlatum species.
- P79 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Negative Impact of addiction to soft drink consumption carbonated beverages and Sugar-sweetened on bonedensity, oral health , increased risk of Osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes due: A Study around the regions of Sodnac, QB, Trianon and Pheonix from a non-consumer.
- P 80 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] A study on the Hippocampus of the brain of youth and its relation with alcoholism consumption. High rate of Failures, violence on educator , sexual assault, lack of interest in their studies, only stuck to their phones playing a whole day;Alcoholism, beer, wine , whisky and its negative consequences on Adolescent brain development of the youth of the western region.
- P 81 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] The Pheonix Stroke Case study: Increased risks of the two types of stokes among adults heavy consumers of Beer , Whisky , Wine and smokers from a non-consumer perspective; One side (1) ischemic and the other side (2)hemorrhagicstroke.
- P82 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] “One life, one liver, Alcohol is a poison for your liver’ .Alcohol (beer, wine, whisky) consumption and the 3 main stages of alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD): (1) fatty liver disease, (2) alcoholic hepatitis, (3) alcoholic Cirrhosis upto complications such as build-up of toxins in the brain (encephalopathy) among youth and adults massive drinkers of the regions of Sodnac: A study from a non-consumer perspective
- P 83 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Analyzing the Components of the Pre-requisite Courses PGDEM, PGDELM for prospective Deputy Rectors, Principals, Rectors and school Administrators : such as governance, curriculum design development , leadership, management, conflict management, teacher monitoring and evaluation : A study around Curepipe, Pheonix and Ebene Regions.
- P 84 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Crucial importance of holding an MBA, a pre-requisite for the position of Managerwithin a School Enterprise: An overview of core skills, competencies, key academic qualifications a Manager should possess in modern times for a conducive ,productive work environment,delegation, motivating staffs for a positive climate , strategic, Human Resource and Project management : A Case Study around the region of Curepipe and Petite Riviere.
- P 85 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] When savages scratch themselves and rub their dirt, odour on clothes of others, throw garbage into garden of others , honk for no reasons, throw dog excrement infront of doors of others, throw rocks into garden of people, spitting in garden of others , kick , elbows customers in shops ; A study of lack of personal hygiene, etiquettes and manners of people तमीज़ (Tamiiz) ,संस्कार (SanSkaar), स्वच्छता (svachchhata) particularly in Sodnac,QB and the western regions
- P 86 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Local is beautiful :The Innovative Student centered approach SC Technology Education Stream (TES) leading to National School Certificate (NSC) is an alternative local pathway to the traditional SC of Cambridge: After successfully completing their Gr 9, the students have a choice between either the Internationally recognized SC (Cambridge AIE) or the new National SC (National EB) : An overview of the new Technology Education Stream 2024.
- P 324 Suggestions and recommendations to the E-Education Directorate Ministry of Education TE ST 31st January 2024 ONLINE TEACHING
- P 323 Terrible suspicious unbearable cadaver odour around region between round about Palma , beau songes near Jugnauth Lane 31st January 2024
- P 110 A NECESSARY SACRIFICE Preventive and deterrent Measure. RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS to ALL Motor Insurances : Following the drastic increased in Road accidents and deaths on roads of Mauritius. INCREASE your premium that public need to pay to assure / cover their CARS and VEHICLES, this will make drivers more careful otherwise any accidents will be COSTLY. This measure will discourage those CRAZY on wheels, drivers under influence of DRUG, ALCOHOL and those who have hallucinations and honk for no reasons
- P 117 Free Pre Primary Education: Another good decision by the government ; those Expensive pre primary schools could not be allowed to continue to dilapidate, exploit, pump money out of poor parents. Those expensive Private fee paying schools (english, french medium) are not guarantees for success. How many have fallen into DRUG, namely Mr F and the horse industry. Recently another one was charged for GUN matters.20th November 2023
- P 341 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 Inclusive education catering for the slow learners with different abilities: An overview of the Bright up programme Level NC2 for those who could not overcome the NCE, a foundation for future NC3 courses the learner can opt for afterwards
- P 342 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 Miller’s inspirational work on Educational Leadership and management (ELM) and the Seven Dimensions of ELM for effective and knowledgeable deputies, rectors, principals, administrators and managers in a VUCA environment
- P 343 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 Yes we can , a significant improvement in performance of Extended stream ,nearly doubling their pass rate of the previous year : an analysis of performance of EP students in Science and Physics at NCE 2022-23
- P 344 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 Technology brought Innovation to teaching but what are the drawbacks of Teacher education in distance mode : how ethical is it to record educator, share online and make fool, does it reflect qualities of Leadership ?
- P 345 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 Their hatred for the Jews , antisemitism has spread even to Mauritius with threats of Gas Chambers towards an educator supporter of the Jews ; persecuted, discriminated, persistent rage, violence, dirt, rocks thrown on property , threats of Arson in region of Dodos Sodnac. The story of the Holocaust and my brothers the Jews from the perspective of a Hindu Babuji
- P 346 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 Where women are worshipped, there the Gods rejoice but already married Indian Actresses , in indecent provocative clothes ,dancing, romancing other men on screen, is it a new normal, an innovative trend or the degradation of Indian Culture ? An overview of the traditional role of women in Hinduism from an apolitical Hindu Babuji
- P 347 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 The Dark Side of Hollywood, sex, drug and violence: The Case of Ms X a single mother, abused, isolated, discriminated, mocked on the internet and victimized. I believed in you Ms X but my heartfelt apologies to you and your baby, I could not help you, my beloved. An overview of Sexual and Domestic violence laws in Mauritius
- P 348 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 When unethical bright adults misunderstand and are the real failures: Ethics involves every aspect while working with children. The need for Compulsory Parental formal consent, no objection letter, prior to engaging into Online teaching with Students to protect our children from being the prey to predators, exposure to online dangers, deviances and mediocrity
- P 349 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 The importance of the use of English and French as language of instruction in the teaching of Physics at secondary level rather than native Mauritian Creole Language
- P 350 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Feb 2024 Remembering Rosa Parks who refused to ‘giving in’ and ‘lie down’. Harassment and unprovoked violence in bus while going to work, vehicles honking for no reasons and colleagues passing hand, doing a caress, rubbing ,touching grabbing; what are the laws of sexual harassment and discrimination in Mauritius?
- P 351 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, March 2024. Explaining the Psychological impact on children caught in crossfire between parents at legal wars : The Case of Baby love Oonagh whose mother is victim of physical violence, abuse and internet full of videos of her mother being humiliated, mocked by the world . What will be its consequences on the mental, psychological health of that baby love when she views back those revengeful acts perpetrated against her sweetheart mother ?
- P 352 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, March 2024. An overview of the meaning of Coercive control, what does wifebeater mean? The Case of Ms X , a woman victim of violence from her husband, whose prime intention was to tarnish her name and image so that no other man would desire her again and ruin the future of her child.
- P 353 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, A father's love for his daughter, what if God was really one of us ? Poems for Baby Love Oonagh, the rebel , you are a princess in my heart, an angel
- P 354 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, An untold love story between a sincere modest black man, ‘’he says he will make all her wishes come true, he says he will abide to his promises made to her, he says he wants to see the baby grow infront of him and call him father’, and a beautiful foreign white woman, ‘obsessed, she says she cannot live without him, she says she is faithful , she says he is her only God and wants him only for herself ’’ and the innocent fruit of their love, baby Oonagh Amber, a little princess : what are the prejudices, N-word, racism and discrimination interracial couples face from society ?
- P 355 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, April 2024.An untold love story between two mature lovers in search of happiness : ‘She says she is addicted to him, crazy in love, drunk in his love , soulmates , their personalities fit,’ ‘he says he will always find her beautiful and treat her like a Queen and wants again to have children with her, he says he will accept her however she is when she comes back to him, he says he loves her manners, her perfect imperfections and their baby love Oonagh Amber and he accepts to take the blame and apologises if the world laughed at her, for her career, health, broken previous wedding ’. ‘He says he is here to become her husband, for eternity: An apology Poem from a sincere lover
- P 356 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, April 2024. The vows of two mature lovers : Les yeux de la mama Paige , “I swear to God I do not sell fake dreams, I swear to protect you as a father protects his daughter, as a husband loves his wife , as a son respect his mother with a pure selfless love, as a mum feeds her son with her hand, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, in health, no searching of flaws and with prime devoir conjugal to love each other , no violence, no compulsory sex, care, understanding’ , with baby love Oonagh Amber our blood the witness of promises made ; An account of sacred need for both sides to be faithful at all times, no touching, no kissing, no sexual intercourse with others.
- P 357 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, April 2024. An unseen love story, a ray of light : She says he is the only father of their baby love Oonagh Amber, the rebel , no other man, her only lover , she says she is faithful to him and will repair her past mistakes (A152) , He publicly forgives her past errors because he loves her, want her as wife, as consort , want to have more children with her, he says he cannot see her sad and will obey her. The world has mocked you, I am here to love you and become your husband: The importance of forgiveness of past errors and not to repeat same errors again among two mature lovers eager to meet and bond again.
- P 358 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, May 2024. A twisting saga, a strange uncontrollable burning passion , an electric pulse, head over heels, he says he loves her perfect imperfections , will always love her, the only woman he wants as wife, the only mum, he promises as marital duty even after they are married together, to continue to write her love messages, love letters throughout the day, be gentle, kind words, never to harm her, to maintain the flame of their love. She says he is the love of her life, her King, she cannot stop thinking about him, a dragon inside her. An overview of Errors couples must avoid, a visage before wedding, romance, beautiful words , another visage after wedding no more love words, only violence, the importance of love communication within a mature couple and their baby love Oonagh Amber” . International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 5 || May 2024 || PP. 44-46 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13054446 44 | Page
- P 359 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, May 2024 Two mature lovers far from each other, the Yin and the Yang, a father far from his baby love Oonagh Amber, growing up far from him, having nightmares, negative thoughts, where and in what condition, nightmares who is touching her . Why don’t you come to me my Queen ? I am faithful and remain faithful to you my sweetheart. I am here to make you happier, not worrier. Your worries are my worries. Your pains are my pains. Your happiness is my priority. I want to be your slave, I will do whatever you wish, whatever I have is yours, all is yours , I want to take all your suffering away; An overview of some Poem about missing someone you love. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 5 || May 2024 || PP. 49-51 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13054951 49 | Pages
- P 416 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ]Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, May 2024. Saint Ambrose said "Where a man's heart is,there is his treasure".The True story of two mature lovers promised and committed to each other, with a burning desire to re-unite and get married.She says I am her future husband,love at first sight, let the world see you mean the world to me, she says I do not have the right to meet,stare at other women,I say all the treasures and heritages of the world are for her alone,Sirf Tum all is yours my Queen.I have no vices, no debts,no obligations towards anyone else,a dream person to live with.I want you as my wife, our baby love Oonagh Amber and have more babies with you otherwise I do not need anything else,your love and presence will suffice me: Poems about love and treasure. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 5 || May 2024 || PP. 47-48 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13054748 47 | Page
- P 417 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, May 2024, Pieced by the spear of destiny, a burning ray in obscurity. Psychological impact on victims of revenge porn, fake online materials, tempered pictures and videos, deceiving the mind of people, creating an illusion : Evil people and paparazzi manipulate videos, pictures to blackmail, harass, annoy, make fun with intention to try to ruin the lives of innocents and their families. Today you are the victim, tomorrow it can be my child.Do not be fooled by such false videos and pictures. "You shall have no other Gods before Me." (Exodus 20:3)International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 4 || April 2024 || PP. 82-83
- P 613 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, May 2024, The two sides of the Coin, CGI Computer Generated Imagery and Deepfake AI are great advancement for the world of Cinematography, great Hollywood movies such as StarWars, Avatar, Jurassic Worlds, Spiderman, Superman, Batman,Terminator, GOT, Deadpool and wolfy , Avengers and their infinity Stones Gauntlet , but what are the Cons , what harm can they do in the wrong hands ? what are the software they used to do such Evil acts of face replacements in videos , deepfakes ? ‘For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior (Ephesians 5:23).International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 4 || April 2024 || PP. 102-103 DOI: 10.35629/7722-1304102103 102 | Page
- P 651 Suggestion and recommendation To Employer and Ministries : Sensitizing the youths of the dangers of DEEP FAKES AI, Revenge Porn , CGI, videos and photo manipulations. Kindly DO NOT BELIEVE THOSE Deep Fakes AI, Revenge Porn, CGI videos and photo manipulations 11th May 2024
- P655 Informing Ministry and Employer . Case to Customer Affairs Unit/ CSU . [Reference 31178724] Problem of Oily Cake sellers at QB , just infront of Traffic lights and Taxi stand QB searching fight with me and Using Domestic Gas Cylinders for business use (Case won , CAU/CSU , actions taken, Oily cake sellers informed) 12th May 2024
- P 451 P 453 PENSION cut off / refund case Informing Rector CASE ' of money I had to refund' . I paid the amount due on the same day. I WON the case. It is about my late mother's last Pension of February 2023. She passed away in January 2023, and they paid a month pension of February 2023. I had to close her SBM account since I do not do any sort of business with the SBM, under this current Government , so I removed the pension in 2023. On the same day I refunded the amount due. Reference R 180 100 93 , 11/03/24 MCB QB .Obviously I am very disappointed with the Government once again. 12th March 2024
- P 726 : Expectations From Budget 2024 , namely readjustment and realignment of salary in Education Sector following Rise in Minimum salary outside PRB, causing an imbalance in salary scale 3rd June 2024
8 Reference Point P 722 War between me and Politics
- P 722 (reference point) : Informing Work, and Ministry of Education TE ST, and Justification of my absence from work on the specific date of event at work. Fear for my safety in presence of Politicians and their people. Visit of named Hon member. Students informed to behave properly. Copy to Hon members of both sides of National Assembly, Ag Clerk, Hon Speaker/ Minstry of Labour, Ministry of Public Service, Scrt PSC, Diocese,SeDEC, PSEA . I each time inform violent students to keep their distances from me, I also keep my distance from Politics and I do not interfere in their activities. [ Not a confidential letter ] 22nd June 2024
- P 793 [ Very Important] Notifying all sides, again of my Ongoing legal wars : I do not know who fool them like that. Now they come to Court to create more problems instead of remaining silent. Beware they say why their names appear in Final Judgment, why I cite their names after Judgment and also the support of Politics/unions/religious leaders to my enemies. Me v/s an army of Barabbas [ ᴀ 237, ᴀ 311, ᴀ 323 , ᴀ 367ᴹᵉ ᵛ/ˢ ᵃⁿ ᵃʳᵐʸ ᵒᶠ ᴮᵃʳᵃᵇᵇᵃˢ and P 793] . Obviously as said a hundred times I have no interest with anyone from/related to Politics nor with enemies of cases horse/private schools/Police etc etc I do not want your women. 29th June 2024
- P 802 [ Very Important] Notifying all sides, again of my Ongoing legal Civil wars : Again reminding both sides and their people bus/bazaar/shops/oily cake sellers etc not to interfere in my legal wars. It is not a secret that I am in a Civil case against La Sentinelle Ltd. Its on the Supreme Court Website CV 667/2020 , (IC/L667/2020). Cagoule /Condemned/ Recidivist/Pirate/ Case involving a former Attorney General that I already won . Cause number 1022/2016 Judgement delivered on 03/08/2020. 3rd July 2024 [ REFERENCE cases ᴍʏ ᴇɴᴅʟᴇꜱꜱ ʟᴇɢᴀʟ ᴡᴀʀꜱ ᴀ 311, ᴀ 323 , ᴀ 367ᴹᵉ ᵛ/ˢ ᵃⁿ ᵃʳᵐʸ ᵒᶠ ᴮᵃʳᵃᵇᵇᵃˢ P 701, P 793, P 722, P 726, P 733, P 744, P 802 Marcos 9 : 40 A 301, A 305, A 369 , A 372 ]
- Pt YJPhD 1724 P 804 To Hon members of Both sides The REVENANT . Serious Political situation in US,UK, France I do not give voting orders I let their own people decide of their fate. The public vote 'en sus alma y conciencia' ' en leur âme et conscience' 3rd July 2024 [ REFERENCE cases ᴍʏ ᴇɴᴅʟᴇꜱꜱ ʟᴇɢᴀʟ ᴡᴀʀꜱ ᴀ 311, ᴀ 323 , ᴀ 367ᴹᵉ ᵛ/ˢ ᵃⁿ ᵃʳᵐʸ ᵒᶠ ᴮᵃʳᵃᵇᵇᵃˢ P 701, P 793, P 722, P 726, P 733, P 744, P 802, P 804 Marcos 9 : 40 A 301, A 305, A 369 , A 372 ]
- P 624 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, June 2024. HM King Charles III stated that AI holds the potential to transform life but also has unintended consequences. Gravity of damages caused by Deepfakes AI, putting visages on videos, revenge porn. In the country of Su Majestad el Rey Don Felipe VI de España also there are cases of Deepfakes AI of young girls. Re-iterating my support (P651) to the woman who wants to become my wife and lifelong consort. We are promised and committed to each other and our baby love Oonagh Amber our बाबू . In a world of liars and estafador, Our love is true. Give me your hand my sweetheart ,let’s make that lifelong journey together. As my wife all the treasures, heritages are yours only सिर्फ तुम. Mon amour, I will carry that cross on my shoulder as your husband. You already told me (A233) of the injustice done to you, I was already been made aware of , I know, I saw , I will not let you down. An overview of Prayers about true love.
- P 640 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, June 2024. Lord Justice General Lord Emslie (Case R vs R 1991) stated nowadays, it cannot seriously be maintained that by marriage, a wife submits herself irrevocably to sexual intercourse in all circumstances’(P665): An overview of laws on Marital Rape and domestic and sexual violence in Mauritius and other countries. ‘’Then people all over the Earth will know that the lord alone is God and there is no other (1Kings 8:60). Recommendation and suggestion to amend the Criminal Code of Mauritius to Criminalize Marital Rape and Courts to have their Judicial
- P 646 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, June 2024. Case Study (P651) of the little angel MIA, a minor committing Suicide due to Deepfake AI, CGI, photos manipulation, social media bullying, paparazzi and evil people blackmail. Chief Justice Roberts J. stated that there is no better gift a society can give children than the opportunity to grow up safe and free but what about Dangers of Deepfake AI ? The FBI issued a warning on creation of synthetic content. Director Wray C. said that AI is a ripe for potential abuse. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble (James 2:19) I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine (Solomon 6:3): The importance to sensitize the youths on this scourge of Deepfake AI.
- P 669 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, June 2024.Fidelity as the foundation of a couple, dos amantes maduros que quieren casarse: Madrid, Como testimonio de nuestra sinceridad, estamos prometidos y comprometidos el uno con el otro. Ella dice que soy su futuro marido. Ella me es fiel. Te amo, te extraño mucho cariño, mi alma gemela, tú me perteneces, yo te pertenezco. Como un padre protege a su hija, como un marido ama a su mujer, como un hijo respeta a su madre, como un amigo que nunca te abandona. ‘Te doy mi corazón y mi alma, y te prometo serte fiel en todo momento, en la alegría y en la tristeza, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, en la salud y en la enfermedad, durante todos los días de nuestras vidas"(P668). Todos los tesorosy herencias son sólo para ti como mi esposa. Tu amor y presencia me bastarán. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; in the sight of God and man (Proverbs 3:3-4)
- A 384 , A 392 To Both sides of UK Parliament OPEN LETTERS 05/07/24, 10/07/24
- P 824 : Notifying Hon members of Both sides of National Assembly of DANGER DRUG AREA, abandoned Social Seurity Building at Bambous , a nest for DRUG DEALERS, DRUG CONSUMERS AND PROSTITUTION at Bambous. 3 Hon members of Parties in Power of the regions have come to Bambous in recent times but they did not see such problem. Some Actions, not just words. Work was informed P 823 , 14th July 2024
- P 836 OPEN LETTER WHY I CONTINUE TO WRITE Spanish words ALL MY LIFE I will write Spanish words . Spanish language is a SCAR, a MARK , left on my soul by someone I 'knew' . I will never be able to remove that STIGMATA from my soul. ? ¿POR QUÉ SIGO ESCRIBIENDO palabras en español? TODA MI VIDA escribiré palabras en español. El idioma español es una CICATRIZ, una MARCA, dejada en mi alma por alguien a quien 'conocí'. Nunca podré quitar ese ESTIGMATA de mi alma 20th July 2024
- P 834 Case study Convicted Drug Addict ....... [ Correction Made to Publication ] Kindly Disregard this paper. Apologies made.[ Reference Apologies made A 404, A 407, A 410, A 412 ]
- P 835 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, July 2024. Unprovoked and unjustified violence and sexual harassment on educators from marginalized, Socioeconomic disadvantaged groups, kicking educator at the head, slapping, spitting, smashing book on visage, throwing dangerous objects ,breaking nose, caress and elbow in bus, smoking and giving Krav Maga kick. In France 6 teenagers were convicted in connection of the beheading of their teacher Samuel Paty. A study of Negative impact of smoking Marijuana, consuming Bhang भांग and addiction to Porn such as increased aggressivity. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714. ||Volume 13 Issue 7|| July 2024 || PP. 103-105
- P 843 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, July 2024 श्री Jawaharlal Nehru (letters from a father to his daughter, 1929 सबका मालिक एक ,निर्गमन 20:3) stated that you don't change the course of history by turning the faces of portraits to the wall. For the proper emotional and psychological development of our children, our baby love Oonagh Amber, our बाबू , As a wedding promise (A365, A 368) our children, my apprentices, will one day tell you YES MUM, Dad has explained to us all the injustices done to you by others, even my own mistakes , all these Deepfakes AI, legal wars and YES we love you, we trust you, we believe you y El único que realmente te ama, and you will not need to hide them from global Internet, TV, press, movies, social medias, nor fear evil display in public nor be ashamed of lies of Estafadores.I will stand by you. We are together in this: An overview of child psychology, what we teach them in childhood, what they are exposed to in society can shape their whole character and mental wellbeing (Buhler, 1931:138). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714. ||Volume 13 Issue 7|| July 2024 || PP. 106-108
- P 814 , 1769 P 851 Notifying Hon members of both sides of National Parliament : Perceived conflictual Vendetta enemies of cases and Transport Industry workers. Whether what I say is true or false; A CONFLICTUAL VENDETTA (i) A former Senior Advisor ICT and the series of ICTA case Private schools/ Horses/ Police/ Union etc SODNAC in those years he was Advisor and (ii) now he works in Transport Industry and there is an UNPROVOKED, UNJUSTIFIED RAGE, ANGER from bus workers both public and private (iii) and also I will not attach the new Hon Speaker to my letters/email. SAME REASON. Nothing personal but Naming him Hon Duval since when he was an elected member of alliance PMSD-MSM Const Curepipe 17 and was chief guest at an event of a Private school Curepipe among my enemies of cases under alliance PMSD MSM at those years [ 𝗥𝗘𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗲𝘀 ᴍʏ ᴇɴᴅʟᴇꜱꜱ ʟᴇɢᴀʟ ᴡᴀʀꜱ ᴀ 𝟮𝟯𝟳, ᴀ 𝟯𝟭𝟭, ᴀ 𝟯𝟮𝟯 , ᴀ 𝟯𝟲𝟳ᴹᵉ ᵛ/ˢ ᵃⁿ ᵃʳᵐʸ ᵒᶠ ᴮᵃʳᵃᵇᵇᵃˢ 𝗣 𝟳𝟬𝟭, 𝗣 𝟳𝟵𝟯, 𝗣 𝟳𝟮𝟮, 𝗣 𝟳𝟮𝟲, 𝗣 𝟳𝟯𝟭, 𝗣 𝟳𝟯𝟯, 𝗣 𝟳𝟰𝟰, 𝗣 𝟴𝟬𝟮, 𝗣 𝟴𝟬𝟰, 𝗔 𝟯𝟴𝟭 , 𝗣 𝟴𝟮𝟰 ,𝗣 𝟴𝟭𝟰/𝟴𝟱𝟭
- P 864 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ]Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, August 2024, Si nous reconnaissons nos péchés, Dieu est fidèle et juste et, par conséquent, il nous pardonnera nos péchés (1 Jean 1: 8-10). When you will come infront of me, do not have any feeling of fear, guilt, nor shame. Both have done past mistakes, both have forgiven.We do not judge our past.We are together in this. The future matters.The future is reuniting and getting married, love, care, no violence. The tears in your beautiful eyes, the sorrow behind yourgentle smile, remind me of the sadness of my own helpless mother. I want you. I promise I will accept our baby Oonagh Amber however she is and keep my 30 wedding promises. If all is true also I would still want you (A 404/7/10/12). Soy la única que realmente te ama y la única que te pide disculpas genuinas a ti y a nuestra bebé. A paper on Bible and Bhagavat Gita Verses on importance of forgiving each other, between two mature lovers far from each other but eager to reunite and get married.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 7|| July 2024 || PP. 135-136
- P 865 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ]Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, August 2024, Case Study of incident X , Manipulated image of woman appearing kissing on Facebook, which turned out to be false and altered by AI and photo editing (A 320).Deceiving the mind, an illusion with intention to cause anxiety, stress and disturbing peace of mind, tarnishing the image of a faithful woman. Please do not believe truffatore deepfake AI (Esodo 20:3, Salmi 16:4-5, Atti 4:12, Proverbi 18:22 Italian Riveduta Bible 1927) A paper on the problem of Social medias Deepfake AI. The Oversight Board urged Meta to begin labeling manipulated content, such as videos altered by AI. The FBI issued a warning on creation of synthetic content. Director Wray C. said that AI is a ripe for potential abuse. An overview of the harm caused by DeepFake AI, photo, video manipulations on facebook, X, Tik Tok, blackmail and harassment, compelled to remain silent at court due to fear spouse would not want her, forced to admit wild things that are not true (वीर-ज़ाऱा A360, A364). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 7|| July 2024 || PP. 133-134
- P22/08/24 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Researcher, August 2024. Case study of the Court convicted violent psychopath, Estafadores, an annoyer, a drug addict, who tried to ruin my life.She says she cannot live without me, wants to get married with me, have children with me and that supposedly her baby is mine, she annoys everyone, half of the planet why I am not writing I want her, why I am not saying its my baby, she pretends to be crazy in love with me but in reality they catch her living happily is Spain with another man and doing X rated videos. Her baby is growing up with her biological father in luxury and comfort. I was the only one who really loved you, I would had forgiven you everything but you could not resist to betray me. Any other woman can give me what I wanted from you.Love.In a world of liars, you turned out to be the worst dishonest crook I have ever known. In your mind, its never you, its always someone else. I go to search for someone else. Kindly forget me. I am still Single Virgin and no child yet. An overview of the importance of fidelity and dangers of having several partners such as HIV/ AIDS. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 7|| July 2024 || PP. 101-102
- P 973 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: 5th October 2024 , 66th birthday of my late widow Mother Kritya (05/10/1958-30/01/2023) coinciding with Teacher’s day. In my solitude, still virgin and orphan, I pray to St Bridget of Sweden to help me find a woman to love me, support me, marry me and have babies. I pray Selflessly to Virgin Mary and St Dymphna for all those women around the world suffering in silence, in pain, in sorrow, victim of violence. On this occasion, I feel remorse for my words and worried for the mother of Oonagh. I pray for baby Oonagh’s Mother, I ask God to solve all her problems, keep her happy, in good health ,wherever she is . I pray that no one harms her and her baby Oonagh, I ask God to help her overcome all her legal wars. She reminds me of my own mother Kritya, she is a woman who needs to be loved and taken care of . There are nights I wake up from nightmares in sweat hearing ‘’the screams of my mother in pain, no one helping us, on her death bed at hospital’. The world watched cinema and did not help my mother Kritya, they did not inform me she was ill and condemned, they let my mother suffer, cry in pain, rot alive infront of me and die in horrible agony. My own health was put at risks. I even had to cremate my mother alone, so now is an opportunity for the world to help a mother and her baby Oonagh. Erase all the debts of Oonagh’s mother. I forgive you and I pray for you selflessly desinteresadamente 1 Juan 1 :8-10 Te perdono y oro por ti, Senora , your daughter Oonagh will always be welcomed to my house as her Godfather :A paper on the prayers of St Bridget of Sweden and St Dymphna. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 82-83 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13108283 82 | Page.
- P 974 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024. Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: The strange case at Reduit, my last academic journey, black September 2024 , why I had to withdraw, give up and abandon a study course on Quality , wasting time, wasting my hard earn salary money and exile myself from studies. The logo also counts as a percentage, the page number also a percentage, the assignment uploaded through the program is compared to my own previous work,resulting to a too high percentage detection, penalizing and discriminating me , causing prejudice to me professionally, financially, psychologically and denigrating me to the eyes of the public, colleagues, employer and prejudicial to any future job promotion that I aspire . Should Turnitin be used for assignment? Or only for Projects and Thesis ? A critical review of the purpose of Turnitin Software.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 84-85 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13108485 84 | Page.
- P 975 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: Comparing and contrasting the Performance agreement Key result areas and Tasks , performance standards of educators, HoD , Deputy Rectors and Rectors.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 86-87 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13108687 86 | Page
- P 976 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: The Duty of an educator to warn the youths of the dangers of Drug. Say No to Smoking, alcohol or any form of Drugs, Cannabis, synthetic, Cocaine, heroin, bhang भांग but what about medical Cannabis? (Defense 1) Too many pretend to need that drug to live a proper life. (Defense 2) What is that alleged defense of Planting? How is that plausible that so many drug suspects arrested at different times, locations, quantities and types of drug use the same defense? Is that defense admissible in a Court of justice from the mouths of drug suspects who spend their time searching fight with an educator, Civil servant like me who preach against drug to the youths or it is rather Criminal defamation under s 288 of Criminal Code ? Under the dangerous drugs (amended) Act 2022 ,an overview of the specific therapeutic conditions of the patientsthat have failed to respond to other conventional treatment who wish to be treated with Medical Cannabis namely (i) spasticity, associated with multiple sclerosis (ii) severe refractory epilepsy (iii) intractable nausea and vomiting, associated with chemotherapy (iv) severe intractable pain and after approval by the Medicinal Cannabis Committee. A Study across the Drug route Sodnac-QB-Market-Lalouise-Palma-Bambous-Flic en Flac-Riviere Noire-western regions and North of Mauritius along which huge amount of drug was seized.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 88-90 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13108890 88 | Page
- P 981 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: Injustice I am victim , my lonely struggles, a symbol of hope, the youths will look at me and can aspire to achieve in their studies, career, better lives and the right to aim higher despite obstacles on my path and scourges (a) nepotism (b) favouritism (c) discrimination (i) racist insult at Bambous region ‘my face is like coal tar’ (ii) casteism , more qualified than me just because they are Vaish ? (iii) political opinion, (iv) religious belief (v) antisemitism (d) cronyism (e) persistent harassment, conspiracies Isaias 54:17 (f) unprovoked unjustified premeditated violence on educator, slaps, elbow kicks, punch at the back of head, sitting behind me in bus and giving kicks to the head with phone, rocks thrown at visage, spitting (g) caress from colleagues, victim blaming, false minutes of meeting(h) Interference in studies ,stealing money, wasting time (i) dishonest merchants and insurances premeditatedly paying only half (j) kicks from bus workers ticket machine (k) pubic hair in food, intoxication , an overview of the Core Prerequisites for post of Deputy Rector and Rector namely (i) work experience (ii) academic qualifications BSc hons, EL, PGCE, PGDELM,PGDEM, MBA IT, mgt (iii) Skills such as organizational,leadership, motivational, communication (iv) management (v)curriculum and pedagogy (vi) performance monitoring (vii) Resource and staff management. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 91-93 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13109193 91 | Page
- P 984 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: Case study of unprovoked, unjustified, premeditated Violence, harassment , needless fear, anxiety , stress on Educator Civil servant in Public at Quatre Bornes Market danger area namely (a) Krav maga leg kick from oily cake sellers political agents and motorcyclist , (b) punch from taxi driver in Market, (c) threats with knife and metal bar from clothes sellers (d) opening and stealing from my bag left at frontdesk in Shopping centre : An overview of existing laws (i) Illegal use of Domestic gas in Market and Food courtunder The Customer Protection Price and supplies Control Act GN12/2012 Petroleum act (ii) Discrimination in selling prices, undisplayed prices The Consumer Protection Price and Supplies Control Act 12/1998 section 7 Price Label 8. Selling at a price higher than that displayed 9. Misleading price indication, section 19 Refusing to sell and Section 343 Deceiving purchaser criminal code , a selling price and quantity for their people and another price and quantity for educator civil servant (iii) Food Act 1998 section 5 Determination of fitness of food (iv) Larceny section 301(1) (v) section 228A assault with corrosive substance , section 229 Assault with premeditation, section 236 Administrating noxious substance , section 296 Insult , 348 Threatening Arson of the Mauritius Criminal Code.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 94-96 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13109496 94 | Page.
- P 986 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT. ‘Vous pouvez détruire tout ce qu'il vous plaira. Elle n'a qu'a ouvrir l'espace de ses bras. Pour tout reconstruire, pour tout reconstruire’ Alzheimer begins 20 years or more before the start of memory loss and other symptoms develop. The neurodegenerative disease of Alzheimer among woman and those courageous superman husband who takes care of his ill wife.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 97-98.DOI: 10.35629/7722-13109798 97 | Page.
- P 1008 [International Journal with Certificate of Publication ] Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT:The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him (Psalm 28 :7).P 982 From the debts of the abyss, a historical Victory for my Brothers of Chagos and the islands of the Indian Ocean : In this noble fight against oppression on a smaller (a speck of dust compared to UK) defenseless peaceful multicultural developing country of Mauritius , on one side the UK opposition Conservatives, as heard within the UK Parliament House of Commons (Oct 2024) qualified Mauritius as ‘’a Disgusting government’’, on the other side Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer Leader of Uk Labour party of His Majesty King Charles III’s government kept his words and promises to address the wrongs of the past, the welfare of the Chagos people, mutual respect, trust, security and prosperity for Commonwealth Partners. Some Whites maybe forgot we are no more in times of Slavery whereby slaves were whipped mercilessly without having the power to riposte. Sir Keir Starmer a Role model of leadership and management. An overview of this Historical UK – US-Mauritius agreement to (a) resettlement of the Chagossians and their (b) rightful deserved financial compensations and (c) maybe even with a lifelong pension , but beware any sides do not respect this Sacred deal.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 99-101.DOI: 10.35629/7722-131099101 99 | Page