Yudhistir S.M.F Jugessur PhD, October 2024.Leadership, management, social justice and ICT: 5th October 2024 , 66th birthday of my late widow Mother Kritya (05/10/1958-30/01/2023) coinciding with Teacher’s day. In my solitude, still virgin and orphan, I pray to St Bridget of Sweden to help me find a woman to love me, support me, marry me and have babies. I pray Selflessly to Virgin Mary and St Dymphna for all those women around the world suffering in silence, in pain, in sorrow, victim of violence. On this occasion, I feel remorse for my words and worried for the mother of Oonagh. I pray for baby Oonagh’s Mother, I ask God to solve all her problems, keep her happy, in good health ,wherever she is . I pray that no one harms her and her baby Oonagh, I ask God to help her overcome all her legal wars. She reminds me of my own mother Kritya, she is a woman who needs to be loved and taken care of . There are nights I wake up from nightmares in sweat hearing ‘’the screams of my mother in pain, no one helping us, on her death bed at hospital’. The world watched cinema and did not help my mother Kritya, they did not inform me she was ill and condemned, they let my mother suffer, cry in pain, rot alive infront of me and die in horrible agony. My own health was put at risks. I even had to cremate my mother alone, so now is an opportunity for the world to help a mother and her baby Oonagh. Erase all the debts of Oonagh’s mother. I forgive you and I pray for you selflessly desinteresadamente 1 Juan 1 :8-10 Te perdono y oro por ti, Senora , your daughter Oonagh will always be welcomed to my house as her Godfather :A paper on the prayers of St Bridget of Sweden and St Dymphna. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI)ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 13 Issue 10 || October 2024 || PP. 82-83 DOI: 10.35629/7722-13108283 www.ijhssi.org 82 | Page.
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