P22/08/24 Yudhistir S.M.F. Jugessur, Researcher, August 2024. Case study of the Court convicted violent psychopath, Estafadores, an annoyer, a drug addict, who tried to ruin my life.She says she cannot live without me, wants to get married with me, have children with me and that supposedly her baby is mine, she annoys everyone, half of the planet why I am not writing I want her, why I am not saying its my baby, she pretends to be crazy in love with me but in reality they catch her living happily is Spain with another man and doing X rated videos. Her baby is growing up with her biological father in luxury and comfort. I was the only one who really loved you, I would had forgiven you everything but you could not resist to betray me. Any other woman can give me what I wanted from you.Love.In a world of liars, you turned out to be the worst dishonest crook I have ever known. In your mind, its never you, its always someone else. I go to search for someone else. Kindly forget me. I am still Single Virgin and no child yet. An overview of the importance of fidelity and dangers of having several partners such as HIV/ AIDS. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org ||Volume 13 Issue 7|| July 2024 || PP. 101-102
Link to Paper : https://cert-of-publicationp341.blogspot.com/2024/08/p220824-yudhistir-smf-jugessur.html
Link to Paper : https://cert-of-publicationp341.blogspot.com/2024/08/p220824-yudhistir-smf-jugessur.html