Pt 985 P 51 Lead by example : The unprofessional manners of hon members of the National Assembly give a bad example to the youth/public : violence, insults, aggressivity , searching for pretexts not to do their job, running away from duty, persisting and only when KICKED OUT , suspended that they understand. They bring disrepute to the N.A and Mauritius Politics. What is the difference between hon members and those violent, annoying bus ( Mr Sam pervert sexual predator ) /bazaar/oily cake sellers/shops/ Savage Creole GP Industry workers of Beer/wine ? 29th October 2023
Link to Paper :
To :Hon members of both sides of the National Parliament
thru their Secretary and Presidents
- Mouvement Socialiste Militant (MSM)
- Parti Mauricien Social Démocrate (PMSD)
- Mauritius Labour Party (MLP)
- Muvman Liberater (ML)
- Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM)
And other Parties Muvman Patriot Morisien (MPM) , Plateforme Militante
thru the Clerk of the National Assembly of Mauritius
Copy to the Hon Speaker of National Assembly
Copy to Office of the Electoral Commissioner
Cnr Louis Pasteur & Remy Ollier streets, 4th Floor,
Max City Building, Port Louis
Copy to Action for Integral Human Development
Le Thabor, 6 Rue Balour, Beau Bassin,
Copy to Employer and others
1. The Ag Senior Chief Executive, Ag SCE Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology MITD House,
3rd Floor,Pont Fer,
Nalletamby Rd, Vacoas-Phoenix
- Through Rector
2. The Permanent Secretaries , Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology
3. Ag. Chief Technical Officer , Through Rector
4. Director (Quality Assurance) ,thru Rector
5. Secretary for Public Service
SICOM Building 2, Corner Chevreau and Reverend Jean LeBrun Streets
6. Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training
Deputy Permanent Secretary / Ag Permanent Secretary Ministry Headquarters. Level 1-9, Victoria House,. Corner St Louis & Barracks Streets,Port-Louis
7. The Secretary, Public Service Commission and Disciplined Forces Service Commission, PSC & DFSC
7, Louis Pasteur Street, Forest Side
8. Secretary to Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service